Argyrotaenia colorada

Argyrotaenia colorada
Argyrotaenia colorada

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Superfamily Choreutoidea

 Family Choreutidae (Metalmark Moths)

Caloreas apocynoglossa 

I found this tiny moth in the Santa Fe Mountains at 10,000 feet. These can be very active moths and they move almost continually. As a result, I wasn't paying attention to the plant this little guy was on and will need to check in the future as the plant was either Ligusticum porteri, a plant whose roots smell like licorice and whose leaves are used by people in salads, some other member of the parsley family native to the USA or perhaps it is a non-native plant we know as the source of the drink consumed by Socrates, Conium maculatum or poison hemlock.


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